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Why You Need to Start Oil Pulling Today

Oil pulling has recently become the trendy thing to do. And normally I would say that you should probably not do it just because it is trendy. However, oil pulling has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. It has wonderful benefits for your whole body, not just your teeth. It is also one of the easiest, fastest ways to improve your overall health.


Oil pulling works by drawing out the toxins in your mouth, hence the name "oil pulling". Coconut oil in particular is very high in medium chain fatty acids that bacteria is attracted to. Bacteria get caught in the oil because of the high viscosity and then you spit them out. Sesame oil also does the same thing and is often used in the same way. Sesame and coconut oil are the most commonly used oils for oil pulling. They also whiten your teeth by reducing the amount of bacteria that cause plaque and tartar buildup.

Your mouth is like the canary in the coal mine. You can tell the condition of your whole body by the condition of your mouth usually (just like the canary stops singing when the air becomes toxic to breathe in a coal mine). The reason for that is that everything you consume goes through your mouth. If it isn't in the best shape either you are putting bad things in or some of the bad stuff in your mouth is going into your body and causing sickness (generally if you haven't been taking care of yourself then you start eating better this still happens).

By removing significantly more of the bacteria using oil pulling you will stay healthier and have less for your body to battle. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Oil pulling is fast and easy it takes anywhere from five minutes to twenty minutes a day. First thing in the morning, you take about a teaspoon of oil (coconut or sesame) and swish it around in your mouth from 5 to 20 minutes. When getting used to it just go as long as you can. Some people find swishing oil in their mouths to be very uncomfortable or a little nauseating at first so just go slowly.

It also helps some people to melt the oil before putting it in their mouths so that they don't have to feel the sensation of it melting (if it started out solid). Once you get used to it, it's just like swishing mouth wash around.

Something else to remember is to not spit the oil down the drain after you have swished with it and DO NOT SWALLOW IT. It is full of bacteria and nastiness and will give the bad bacteria a one way ticket to your less protected digestive system if you swallow it. It will also solidify in pipes once it cools down and will eventually block them if this is done repeatedly. So be sure to spit it outside on the ground or into a trash can.

I hope this gives you a little more incentive to start getting healthier and begin oil pulling today!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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