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Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestion

Apple cider vinegar has been gaining a good reputation for itself lately as a cure for obesity and many other digestive benefits. It is definitely worth the hype! I learned recently that my great grandma used to drink it straight every day. She lived to be almost 100 and was in great health right up to the end, sharp as a tack.

Apparently, it used to be consumed regularly by many in the older generation and is thought to be one of the many things that kept them healthy. I tried to drink it straight one day thinking that I'd be clever.


Do not drink this stuff straight without preparing yourself! It is quite nice once you get used to it but, the first time I tired it plain, I almost died. Not really. But it felt like it. And I drink really strong ginger drinks plain so I think I can handle quite a lot. But I took a swig of it and I literally thought my throat was closing up. It burned for about a minute then got better. From this, I learned a very valuable lesson. Do not drink acv straight out of the bottle. I have since worked myself up to being able to drink it straight but out of the cap so it's only a little bit at a time. It's better that way.

ACV works by suppressing appetite, decreasing water retention, and increasing metabolism. It is also a mild laxative and can be used as a drink mixer. It's a pretty handy drink if I do say so myself.

It is also said to help lose weight. I have not experienced this but I also don't drink very much of it. It is said to lower cholesterol, soothe a sore throat, clear a stuffy nose, get rid of dandruff, clear acne, cut down on nighttime leg cramps, get rid of bad breath, whiten teeth, control blood sugar and so many other things!


-Mixed in a salad dressing

-As a drink with lemon, water, honey, and cinnamon

-Face wash

-Mixed with mouthwash

The beauty of acv is you don't need to take very much of it to be beneficial and as you can see it is very easy to take. If you don't feel like making it into a drink, salad dressing or anything else you can always work yourself up to drinking it straight. Just be sure to have in something other than the normal container so you don't drink too much and choke on it.

I have to say since I've been using it, I have definitely been having more regular bowel movements, and a little less appetite. I also craved sugar less which was nice.

I hope you enjoy this and it helps enrich your life! It certainly has for mine!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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