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5 Foods You Should Eat Everyday

Now, you are probably wondering why only five foods? Why those? Aren't there other foods I should eat on a daily basis? Well, yes there probably are. But I am going to focus on these because these are things that give us vital nutrients that most people are lacking. These should be added to a healthy diet.

If you do not already have a moderately healthy diet then that is definitely somewhere to start. However, these will top you off so to speak and maybe hit those key areas that you're missing.

Why these foods? These foods provide more of the micro-nutrients that you may not be getting from your current daily diet whether it is because you are not eating the correct foods to get them or because there isn't enough there for you. These will help you beef up your body and replenish many of your vitals nutrient stores that you may not even have realized were missing.

Here's the line-up!

#1 - Chia seeds. One serving of chia seeds has 1/3 your daily value of manganese, magnesium and 1/4 your daily value of phosphorous. It also has a significant amount of Omega 3 fatty acids. This is extremely important because it's been estimated that up to 90% of Americans are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids.

This can cause major health problems from fatigue and poor memory to depression and death. They are tasteless and incredibly easy to incorporate into just about any food you make. A few tablespoons a day can change your health for the better.

Foods to try them in: smoothies, baked goods, yogurt, mixed in with jelly on sandwiches, mixed in salad dressing, make a chia egg as an egg substitute, etc.

#2 - Flaxseed. Flaxseed is also high in omega 3 fatty acids, as well as fiber. Flax can be taken in many forms from powder to the whole seeds to the oil. It has also been proven to help eradicate and prevent several forms of cancer.

Flax can help with kidney inflammation and a whole host of problems. It is a superfood after all. Flax should be taken as an oil or be ground up. It can be taken as a whole seed but you will not get the full effect of the nutrients because the whole seeds will pass through your system relatively intact and undigested.

Foods to try them in: smoothies, mixed with peanut butter on sandwiches, add to baked goods, mix with granola, make a flax egg as an egg substitute, etc.

#3 - Seaweed. Seaweed is extremely nutrient dense. It is a great source of zinc, iron, selenium, folate, and iodine. Iodine in particular is very important because it is made into the hormones that regulate your body temperature, metabolic rate, heart and digestive functions, muscle control and brain development.

Seaweed even in small amounts can add a lot of vital nutrients to your diet. It's fairly tasteless but can be toasted and salted to make a delicious snack.

Ways to enjoy it: in sushi, by itself as a snack, add a dash to soups, make your own spring rolls, sprinkle it in anything that needs an extra umph

#4 - Coconut oil. Coconut oil has become very popular lately and has been claimed to cure everything from heart problems to eczema. And I must say, it does do many of the things people claim. While it will not fix every problem you have it will help level out your cholesterol and give your skin an extra glow. It is antibacterial and full of good fats. It can help regulate your blood sugar as well.

Ways to use it: on your skin for eczema (works like a charm for diaper rash as well and is safe to use on cloth diapers), in smoothies, over cuts to help keep them clean, on sweet potatoes

#5 - Guavas. I know these are harder to come by in the U.S. but you can find them some places or even just the pure juice not mixed with any sugar or anything else. Guavas have the highest amount of vitamin C of any of the fruits I know of. Much higher than that of oranges (almost 4 times as much).

Vitamin C helps fight cancer, the common cold and everything in between. It is vital to your body's health and you will have significant problems when there is a lack of it. Lack of it can cause scurvy, fatigue, depression, impaired wound healing, and connective tissue defects such as gingivitis).

It has been suggested that infantile scurvy could be a cause of SIDS so it is very important for pregnant and nursing mothers to get enough vitamin C.

These five foods will go a long way in boosting your health but they cannot carry you the way a good, well balanced diet can. If you are looking to eat better, these are a great place to start!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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