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The Best Secret for Dealing with Insect Bites and Stings

Since it is winter time and insects are not buzzing around everywhere you may not be concerned about this but, you should be! When the cold hits, insects head indoors to keep warm just like you. My home has recently been inhabited by way more wasps than I care to share it with because they are seeking somewhere to hibernate.

For many insects such as wasps, they become essentially dormant in the cold weather. However, when you house is nice and toasty they will warm up as well making them nearly as active as they would be in the warmer months. So, now is the time to prepare for stings and bites!

Even if your home is more sealed off than mine (which I really hope it is!) It is always handy to have some things on hand for when insects do decide to be more active. Plus you never can predict when you'll get stung.

As I mentioned above, my home has become the new hang out place for local wasps passing through so, I have been stung a lot lately. The weirdest thing is that in my whole life I was only stung by wasps or bees twice. TWICE! Until I moved to where I live now after I got married. In the last three years of living out here, I have been stung more times than I can count and many of them were completely unexpected.

One time, I was running around our driveway (it does kind of a loop thing) and a wasp came out of nowhere and stung me in the back! For no reason! Then it flew off, laughing at me I'm sure. What a jerk. Anyway......

That's why I am so grateful that a friend of mine told me about this handy trick for pulling out venom and poison and helping stings/bites not hurt so dang much because sometimes, insects are mean.


The secret is BENTONITE CLAY! Weird, right? Clay you say? Why clay? How does it work? Well, I'll tell you.

Bentonite clay is known for it's unique ability to produce an electrical charge when mixed with fluids. This is what gives the clay the ability to absorb toxins. Bentonite clay is used in many things from natural toothpastes to some deodorants. It's actually in my toothpaste which I LOVE. Some people even take it internally although be very careful with this because it can absorb medications.

The best way to use it is once you realize you've been bitten or stung you take a glob of it and mix it with water in a bowl or between your fingers. You won't need very much unless you were attacked by a whole hive, stepped in an ant hill or something of that nature. Rub the paste over the area.

Make it thick enough that it is not clear on your skin. You want it to completely cover the bite/sting. This will make the pain go away significantly faster than it would normally and will also decrease the itch that happens with certain stings/bites.

With some stings like that of wasps they itch for up to a week after the initial sting. You can add more paste once the original bit has been washed off and, it will help reduce the itch even further.

Bentonite clay is not too expensive but you do need to be sure that you are getting the correct stuff. There are a lot of clays in the same family and, they don't all do the same things. But, if you get the real thing, it will do wonders for you. And you'll be glad you have it!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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