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Ginger-aid, the miracle tummy drink

I have written in another post about the marvels of ginger so here I will use this chance to rant about the marvels of ginger once more! Ginger-aid is one of the most helpful drinks I have ever stumbled upon.

Now you can buy ginger-ale at the store but it will definitely not have the same health benefits as making it yourself because the store bought ones will have a lot of added sugar, preservatives, and things you don't even know how to pronounce.

Which leads me to the wonderfully easy recipe for ginger-aid. You can feel free to tweak it as you see fit, add, take away or do what you please. This is just the recipe that I have had great success with thus far.

I love this drink for cramps, stomach aches, and general stomach achiness. I am actually drinking this as I write this blog post and it is the only thing that has helped so far.


4-6 tsp of freshly grated ginger

1-2 lemons

Organic honey to taste

Boil the ginger in filtered water for 15 minutes. You can let it simmer longer if you desire as it will strengthen the taste of the ginger. Once the liquid has cooled enough to touch, squeeze the lemons into the pot, strain out the ginger, and add the honey to taste.

You can add cinnamon, cloves or any other spices that you wish as well during the boiling phase. Also be sure to allow the ginger water to cool before adding the lemon juice or it will kill the enzymes. You can add lemon juice from a container but it will have been heated and thus all the enzymes will be dead. It will still enhance the flavor however if you do not have fresh lemons.

You can also take some and add it to sparkling water for a more fizzy, soda like drink. I usually do not have this on hand as I'm not a big soda drinker but it can be a nice change.

I hope this helps you on your belly ache days as it has helped me a lot!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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