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Cayenne for the Heart

We have all had spicy food and, we know it by it's distinctive burn and the endorphin rush we get from eating it. Some of us (ME!!! ) love it and others of us (some of my family members) do not like it at all. Whether you enjoy the taste or not, it is undeniable that some peppers, cayenne in particular have some medicinal benefits.


Cayenne is considered a warming plant and most of us would agree with that! Especially if we have any memories of sweat pouring down our necks from spicy foods!


It is a circulatory stimulant because of the capsaicin. It is a tonic for the heart for obvious reasons. It is also a digestive aid, which rather surprised me because I more often think of having an upset stomach from something being too spicy. But, we must remember this is in moderation. It helps with intestinal gas as well. It is an immune system booster and the coolest part of all in my opinion is that capsaicin when used topically is used to help arthritis and muscle aches.

Let's break those down since it can do a lot!

Cayenne thins the blood, increases blood flow, and enhances the effectiveness of other herbs making it wonderful as a heart tonic! It is used in many heart medications because of its effectiveness!

Cayenne helps digestion by increasing the flow of enzyme production and gastric juices. This is why too much can cause upset because it will cause overproduction of gastric juices and enzymes.

Cayenne boosts the immune system because of the high amount of Vitamin C that is in the capsicum. Vitamin C is one of the greatest things to take to ward of sickness or get over sickness faster.

Cayenne is used topically to treat arthritis, shingles pain and many other because it stimulates the pain receptors which causes a slight sting then reduces the chemical necessary to send pain signals. Pretty cool, huh?

One more cool way to use cayenne is as a foot warmer. If you have less circulation in your feet and hands you can sprinkle some in your shoes and it will warm your feet right up. Do not do this if you have extremely sensitive skin and make sure to wash your feet when you take your shoes off so it doesn't irritate your skin.


There are a few things to be cautious about when using cayenne because of it's strength.

It is HOT! That being said, it can burn skin if let on especially if you are out in the sun. In large amounts it can cause stomach convulsions but, really who wants to take that much cayenne? You'd be quite crazy if you ingested that much willingly.

In regards to the plant, you can eat the pepper obviously but do NOT eat the rest of the plant as it is in the nightshade family and is toxic!

Although it should be used carefully, it is a great tool to have for some everyday problems! I hope you enjoy adding this to your tool-belt of herbs and plants.



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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