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What does The Handmade Homesteader mean?

I bet you are wondering why this site is named The Handmade Homesteader. Well, I chose this name because I wanted something to encompass all the exciting things I get to do to improve my life. I love making things myself as it is SOOOOOO much cheaper and generally healthier and more exciting that way!

To have the skills to be able to survive and flourish when you are not readily able to get to the store or order something online is something that I believe should be highly valued. To be able to grow your own food, and keep yourself and family healthy is a great gift. I have found my life to be so much more rich when I take responsibility for my health as well as my desire to enrich my life. Being able to create the things that my family desires in an inexpensive way as well as a satisfactory fashion is something I take great pride in.

What is life if we do not endever to make it our own?


In this day and age when everything can be bought or ordered it is harder to see the merit of making something yourself. I will admit that it can be more time consuming and often more difficult than just buying it. But, I would argue that there is a great deal of satisfaction that comes with being able to do something yourself. As a plus, if you are the type of person that, like me, enjoys knowing what you have is quality, whether it be food, clothing, or something else, then you can be assured it will be to your standard if you do it.

I was always the student in class that ended up doing the whole group project by myself or at least finishing and correcting everyone else's parts. LOL. I may be a tony bit of a control freak about some things. Regardless, creativity and ability are gifts and they should not be cast aside for the sake of convenience.

Ability aside, making as much as you can will save a lot of money in the long haul. It is often cheaper to make something yourself and if it is something like food that can be regrown every year, you will save hundreds of dollars and you can enjoy organic vegetables for much cheaper than store bought ones. My family grows a significant amount of our vegetables for the year and, because of this we spend less than $1000 a month on our total expenses. This can be you too!


It works by you getting excited. Getting passionate about something, anything that you enjoy and then decide that you are going to make it for yourself or do it for yourself. Almost anything can be homemade if you have enough will power and can find the right information. I am always trying new things and am eager to help you if you have an idea that you are not sure how to get started.

I will be regularly updating my blog and adding new ideas for you to try that help spark your imagination or teach you something new but it is up to you to find what emboldens you and lights a fire in your belly. You can do it! You are able! I believe in you! Now, let's go conquer the world!

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