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Fire Cider

Let me start by saying, holy freaking mole. This stuff rocks! It knocks out colds before they even have a chance to think about making you sick. This is a great to add to your daily regimen especially during the colder months when sickness abounds.

When I first tried this I was quite intimidated not only by the name but by the concoction of ingredients, all of which have strong flavors. Fire cider, as it is called, is actually not as intense tasting as it sounds. It certainly does kick up your immune system though which perhaps the true meaning of the name.


Consists of:

-Several cloves of chopped garlic

-One chopped onion

-1 to 2 inches of chopped horseradish

-1 to 2 inches of chopped garlic

-a few tbsp of lemon juice

-one chopped jalapeno

-enough apple cider vinegar to cover all the other ingredients by about an inch

-cayenne pepper

-one tbsp of honey

It's quite easy to make. Just chop it all and dump everything but the honey and cayenne, in the ACV. Warming the vinegar slightly before putting the other ingredients in helps to release all the good stuff that you want to be drawn out. Put it somewhere warm for 3-4 weeks then add the honey and cayenne if you desire, then strain it.

Take a tsp or tbsp if you're brave daily to ward off sickness during cold season or as needed when you feel sickness coming on. It has saved my bacon many times and kept me from lots of sickness. I love it because it is so cheap to make, and you can't take too much because it's food! However, if you have a sensitive stomach then you should take it in small doses with other food because it can upset your stomach. As I said earlier, the taste really isn't too bad especially considering I am used to drinking plain ACV. You can mix it in with another drink or water it down if the taste is too strong for you as well.

I hope this keeps you well this winter and it warms you right up! :)



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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