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Rosemary for Your Memory

This is the second post in my series about the magic of herbs! I have recently dried a bunch of rosemary because my plant took off and grew like crazy. Apparently rosemary is one of those herbs that once it gets established, it can last forever (barring extreme circumstances). So, my rosemary is about the size of a small hedge currently in my greenhouse and, until recently it just sat there because I didn't realize it's magical powers!

Rosemary's magical abilities

-firstly, rosemary is considered a major memory aid (Umm, super great for anyone who struggles with basic memory tasks)

-increases the blood flow to then brain and improves the uptake of oxygen

-mental stimulant and increases awareness/alertness

-improves migraines

-improves depression

-circulatory stimulant

-has lots of antioxidants

-decreases inflammation

-digestive aid

So basically, you should add rosemary to everything because it's super delicious and, it can dramatically change your life. Why wouldn't you consider spicing up your life with this fabulous herb?!

The best part is that there are no contraindications for this herb! So, you can use it freely without reservations (unless you have an allergy to it). It has never been known to cause any problems that some stronger herbs can cause.

Rosemary is also great because once it gets established, it can last a long time and can be continually harvested with no damage to the plant. It's currently winter here and I'm still harvesting and my sweet plant just keeps on producing! What a wonder!

One downside to this plant though is that it doesn't transplant well so if it needs to be moved during cold weather, it's best that you plant it in a pot so it won't have to be dug up. This way it can be moved without disturbing the root system.

To grow this plant it would be best to use a root cutting because seeds are very slow to germinate and may take years to be successful plants that you can take cuttings from. Rosemary likes full sun and well drained soil. Rosemary can dry out indoors or in very warm weather so a light misting or frequent light watering is helpful. It struggles with the severe cold (zone 6 or colder) and will grow more slowly during the winter.

Rosemary Creations

Rosemary makes an excellent wreath, especially if your plant is well established and you have an abundance. It will make a delightfully smelling and classy looking addition to your front door as well as to your table center piece with some candles or cranberries.

Rosemary can also be added to homemade tea for an extra bite as well as some memory boosting goodness. It is easily strained out due to it's size or it can be ground into powder to decrease the pokey-ness (My husband for some reason really dislikes the texture. I actually love it because it reminds me of pine needles and winter and all things Christmasy and happy lol).

Also, a fabulous addition to things like homemade soap or chap-stick that need a little extra something to put them over the edge from normal gifts to excellent gifts (if you are making them as gifts).

Enjoy rosemary all year long because it's a perennial so it will be with you all year anyway! Why not make the most of it?! :)

Let me know if you have any questions or ideas regarding rosemary! :)



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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