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Elderberry for the Immune System

Elderberry is quickly gaining popularity across the U.S. and Europe, and for good reason! It has a great many benefits in terms of immune boosting, digestion aid, and the improvement of respiratory problems.

I have only recently (in the last two years) began using elderberries, particularly the syrup and, I have to say that if they are nothing else then, they are certainly tasty. But, they are many other things so whooo! :)

It's not often that health is so delicious!


#1 - As I mentioned above, elderberry is used to boost the immune system temporarily when colds, the flu, and viral infections are hitting hard. Elderberry is high in Vitamin C and A and boosts your antioxidants. It works by not allowing the viruses into the cells and deactivating the enzyme that breaks down your cell walls.

#2 - Elderberry helps with digestive problems because of it's high fiber content. Taking more fiber increases nutrient uptake as well so, elderberry not only speeds digestion along but, it also helps you better use the other nutritious foods you eat.

#3 - It improves your cardiovascular system because it is high in potassium which is a critical electrolyte for your heart. It also helps eliminate excess cholesterol.

#4 - Elderberry improves respiratory problems including sore throats, and chest colds. It is an expectorant which helps clear out infection causing phlegm. It can be recommended even if you have asthma, and it soothes irritation or inflammation.

#5 - Elderberry works on the pancreas to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, helping people with diabetes keep their disease more under control. It also has lots of minerals which promote bone density and the growth of new bone tissue which helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

#6 - For those you who are always on the hunt to be healthier by losing weight, this can help you! Elderberry has a metabolism boosting effect without increasing appetite due to the high fiber content.

As you can see, elderberry has a great many benefits and is at the very least worth having in your cabinet for flu and cold season. It can't hurt to have on hand especially since it has such a wide variety of benefits.


The most common/popular way to take elderberries is by making a syrup with them and, it is arguably one of the most delicious ways as well.

I love this recipe because it is safe for children as young as one! It can be used for babies as well but without the honey which is not recommended for infants under one due to the risk of botulism. You can use a different sweetener such as maple syrup or leave it as juice but, it will need to be used more quickly as honey is what inhibits bacterial growth.

Step 1: Take 2/3 cup of elderberries and add them to a saucepan with 3.5 cups of filtered water.

Step 2: Add a healthy amount of grated ginger. I use two to three tbsp because I like the flavor and the added benefits of ginger (see ginger here). You can use ginger powder as well.

Step 3: Add 1-2 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of cloves. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for about an hour so that it reduces by about 1/3 to 1/2.

Step 4: Mash the berries with the back of a spoon. Do not use your fingers as it is very hot. Strain the mixture and put the strained out ingredients in the compost (if you have one) or in your garden or trash.

Step 5: Once the mixture has cooled enough to touch, add the honey. If you add it earlier it will cook the honey and kill the beneficial enzymes.

Step 6: Pour the mixture into jars and put in the fridge where it will keep for a long time. Most widely used dose is : 1/2 to 1 tsp for kids and 1 tbsp for adults, daily. If you get sick, take every three hours instead of daily until symptoms dissipate.

When I am feeling particularly bold, I also add a few crushed cloves of garlic to the mix. It gives it a tangier taste and also adds to the antibacterial abilities.

Consume this for two weeks then take a one week break. You can continuously take this but, it is unnecessarily stimulating your immune system and will not be beneficial. You body needs to be able to turn your immune system on by itself and, it will cause longer term problems if you are always artificially stimulating it.


If you buy the berries or harvest it yourself, be sure not to get any plant matter in the mixture. (If you buy powder this will not be a problem.) The rest of the plant contains trace amounts of cyanide inducing glycosides which can build up in your body causing severe illness. So, if you buy them make sure there are no stems and pieces of the plant in the mixture when you boil it.

The ripened berries however are quite safe and delicious! :) So, enjoy them and their benefits, especially during cold season. Let me know if you try this recipe! Any questions or comments are also welcome!



(The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.)

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